On my way back

So time has come to leave this oasis of tranquility and get going again. The trip back to Italy will follow a well-known route: from Barcelona through the south of France — Languedoc and Cote d'Azur — across the Alps into Italy, and then north towards Biella.

Fran and Trabucco the house donkey — Cenicientos, Spain.

The following are a few images of the last week or so.

Girl and dog playing in the Abbey's courtyard — Cluny, France.

Noori, my favourite baby girl on the planet — Avignon, France.

1789 remembered — near Carcassonne, France.

Entering Andorra on a fine day — Pas de la Casa, Principality of Andorra.

Metro station — Aluche, Madrid, Spain.

Circulo de Bellas Artes: the other side — Madrid, Spain.

Spot the difference — Madrid, Spain.

Holding hands on Paseo del Prado — Madrid, Spain.

Cloud 1 — Some place, Europe '09.


Claire Homewood | Tuesday, 14 July, 2009

i want to see more pictures!

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